Before you come have your hearing aide, glasses, dentures & equipment (walker, wheelchair, cane) labeled.
Haro Park Centre cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. Proper labeling ensures identification of ownership of items.
How/what should I prepare for moving into the Residential Care Facility?
A date will be arranged by the Haro Park Centre Care Team once it is determined that the client’s care needs can be safely managed at our facility. You will be notified of the transfer to residential care by the:
Hospital Social Worker if client in hospital
Health Unit Case Manager if client in community
Facility Social Worker if a client is transferred to a preferred facility
Can I view the room prior to move-in?
If time permits a tour of the facility is advised. Once you have been informed that placement in a Residential Care facility is recommended, take steps to arrange a tour with your preferred facility as well as an alternate facility. Keep in mind Vancouver Coastal Health has a “First Available Bed” policy. You are offered the option of choosing one preferred facility.
What do I need to know/ bring to the facility the day of move-in?
If the move is from your home directly to facility bring in any medications you are currently taking. Your assigned nurse at Haro Park Centre will contact your community physician to verify the medications.
If you do not have a regular physician (walk-in clinic only) your nurse at Haro Park will arrange to have one of our house physicians manage your care and order medications
Haro Park Centre contracts Mark’s Pharmacy for all prescribed medication including over the counter medications.
If you are in hospital the Care Team there will ensure your discharge medications are forwarded to Mark’s pharmacy.
If you are transferred from another facility, the transferring facility will ensure your medications are transferred to Mark’s Pharmacy.
All medications are administered by the Haro Park Centre nursing staff
Clothing/Personal Items:
Pack enough clothing for one week. This should include washable items, underwear, sleep wear and two to three comfortable outfits. Shoes, slippers. All clothing items will be labeled by Haro Park Centre staff.
Every resident must provide their own electric shaver, tooth brush, tooth paste, nail clippers and comb/brush.
You may bring in electronic devices (t.v., computer, radio) please ensure you have headphones for these items if you have difficulty hearing
We strongly recommend you consider the size of your room before preparing to bring in any furniture. Restrictions are in place to ensure both your safety/risk and that of the staff to manage your care in your room space.
Haro Park provides a hospital bed, bedside table, dresser and lamp
Linen is also provided, you may choose to bring in your own bed comforter
Finances/documentation day of move-in:
Haro Park Centre Finance office will assist you to set up a pre-authorized payment plan (PAPP)
You will need to have one void cheque, one cheque payment for the balance of the month you are moving in and one cheque to start a Trust Account (fund available for access at Haro Park Centre).
If your finances are managed by the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee or The Bloom Group our finance office will contact the agency directly.
If you have an authorized Power of Attorney Haro Park Centre will require a copy of the legal document
If you have a representation agreement for Health Decisions please bring in a copy for our medical records.
Other costs/payments
The day of move in you/your representative will be given a package containing an information form to complete and mail to Mark’s pharmacy. You will be billed directly from Mark’s pharmacy for any medications not covered by your MSP.
Haro Park Centre has a block cable system on site (cost is $35). Each of our rooms has a digital box and remote.
If you wish to access specialty channels you will have to set this up with your preferred cable company and pay for this separately.
If you wish to have a telephone in your room you will have to make arrangements with the company of your choice and will be billed directly from the company.
Consents for treatment:
Your information package will contain consents for contracted services these services include:
Physiotherapy assessment/ongoing physio
Dental consultation
Opthalmology consultation
Hairdresser services
Parking is available on the day of move in. Our receptionist will explain how to access the parking.
Parking is available to resident visitors only after 3:00p.m. Monday-Thursday. Friday/Saturday/Sunday parking is available all day.
Haro Park Centre invites your family/representatives to stay for lunch with you the day of move-in.
Haro Park staff recognize it is a stressful transition for both the client moving in as well as their family and friends assisting them. We welcome your questions and will attempt to answer your concerns.
If you or your loved one will be moving into Haro Park Centre and you have other questions or concerns please contact: Director Social Services (604-687-5584 Ext 231)